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My dad essay

My dad essay

This is my father the way My dad essay see him. He does his best to encourage us in the pursuance of our various dreams. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Online - please click here to chat. Login Order now. Performance Performance. In fact, one can always see him spending weekends helping others out.

An Essay about My Father

There is an opinion that perfect dads do my dad essay exist, however, I strongly want to disagree with this opinion. Maybe not all the dads are perfect, but mine definitely is. My father is special and everything my dad essay does and says is special too. I like the way he dresses, he behaves, he moves and speaks. I am really proud of being his daughter, as I am a small present of a great person he is. Let me describe my father so that you understood how special he is. When you look at him for the first time, you can think that he wears only classy and formal clothes. However, it is just first glance opinion. When you know my father for a long time you can notice that he my dad essay comfortable in all types of clothes: formal, informal, sportive, cheap, expensive, loose, tight fitting.

All these clothes are different, but I like them all as each piece accentuates his life style and his habits. What is more, all his clothes fit his body stature. If we start talking about his appearance, it is important to mention that the way he moves and acts reflects his personality a lot. He prefers fast walking to the calm one. I think that his manner to walk quickly shows his desire to catch the time and manage to take the most of his life. He enjoys every part of his wonderful life, my dad essay. Even when he eats you can get jealous of him, my dad essay, as he will eat the simplest dish with such a delight as if it is the most expensive and delicious food in the world. He is happy and thankful for every piece of meal he gets, and he enjoys it, my dad essay.

He usually does not speak while eating, however, when he speaks it is my dad essay more story to tell. Communicating with my father, you will be able to notice any emotion and expression he has about the subject he is talking about. When he worries about some issues — he frowns, when he is happy — he smiles, my dad essay. It is easy to read his emotion on his face. It is even more interesting to talk with him when you can observe his face and analyze the feelings he has towards this or that topic. It is extremely interesting to listen to him. You can always find out some new information, learn something and share your experience with him.

I can always rely on my father and I am confident that his opinion is objective. His opinion always comes from the bottom of his heart, my dad essay. My dad essay the other hand, he knows how to choose the best time for it; he waits for the time when I am calm and relaxed so that I can easily perceive the information. Sometimes there may be a situation that everything goes wrong, and I feel bad, my dad essay. My father can always find right words and give good advice. These moments are important for me because I feel the support, I know that I am not alone, and it gives me confidence.

My father does not usually show off his feelings a lot. He might be strict and serious when we are out, but I know that he loves me, and I my dad essay feel his love in every movement and every sight. He is not used to kissing or cuddling me every day, however, when he does it once a week or so it is clear that these actions are extremely sincere and come from the big heart of my father. Every single time he gives me a cuddle, I feel overwhelmed with love and his attention. And these are the most precious moments of our relationships with my father, my dad essay.

This is my father the way I see him. This is the father I love so much! And it is the only thing that matters! I have the clear understanding that there are no perfect people in the Earth; however, my father is perfect for me. He is my role model and he is the person I want to be similar to when I will grow up, my dad essay. I want to have a family and I want my children to be as found of me as I am of my father. I love my father very much and I do appreciate everything he does for my development and me. I think that my father and I have perfect relationships and I my dad essay that with flow of time they will only improve. It is often said that there are no perfect fathers in the world.

However, I do not agree with this statement. My dad is ideal. I believe that he is special; his deeds and behavior are also special. My father always speaks and dresses in an appropriate manner. Without doubt, he is a person I deeply admire, and the thought that I am his daughter makes me really happy. I would like to describe my father in detail so that you can understand why my father is so special for me. When you first meet my father, my dad essay, you may think that he is conservative since he adores wearing formal clothes. However, you should not judge the person by his appearance, my dad essay.

If you knew my dad for a few years, you would notice that he likes to wear different clothes, including elegant suits, knitted sweaters with casual jeans, and even T-shirts with shorts. In my opinion, such diversity in wardrobe shows his many-sided, rich inner world. I like the way my father dresses because it illustrates his lifestyle. The thing that I like most is that all the outfits really fit him. Therefore, I believe that my father has a really good taste, my dad essay. Now, when you know how my father looks like, it is time to describe his moves since they can tell a lot about his individuality. My father does not like to walk slowly; he always moves fast.

It means that he wants to do everything he has planned in a timely manner. My dad does not waste his precious time in vain. Undoubtedly, he loves his active lifestyle. What is more, my dad essay, my father always teaches me to enjoy every moment of our life. He reasonably explains the benefits of doing everything with delight and diligence, my dad essay. In addition, due to his active life position, my dad effortlessly copes with any hardship on his my dad essay. I would like to mention that the way my father speaks is fascinating. Everyone who communicates with him can say that his speeches are clear and reasonable. My father is always interested in the subject he is talking about. Without doubt, he is a perfect interlocutor. Also, one can notice that his face expresses different emotions when he is talking.

When my father is content with the issue, there is a genuine smile on his face. When he disagrees with something, he knits his eyebrows. Therefore, while speaking with him, you can guess what my father feels my dad essay a subject being discussed. My father never argues over the issues he knows nothing about, my dad essay. When listening to him, you can learn some interesting and useful information. My father reads a lot of books. He is interested in the most debatable current issues and always wants to know more. When talking with others, he tries to support his thoughts with facts to be completely objective.

He believes that false statements can do harm to a person. I am happy that my dad has unbiased opinions, and he never tries to impose them on others. Obviously, my father is a very smart man. He likes to share his experience as well as learn the experiences of people surrounding him. No more grammatically incorrect texts! Get your papers proofread by professionals! What is more, my father always my dad essay me good advice when I ask for it. He can calm me when there is a need to do so. When I feel bad, he finds proper words to support me. I greatly appreciate such moments. I am really happy that my father cares about my family and me. What is more, he always gives me a helping hand and teaches to help others. He understands that he is an example I want to follow. Even though my father is very active, he does not like to show his feelings and emotions to the public.

Thus, when we go out, my dad tries to be serious and behaves in an appropriate way. He says that every man should act like a man, not a monkey. When we my dad essay at home, my father acts more freely, my dad essay. He likes to tell us jokes and we laugh at them together. I feel that my father loves me very much even though he does not tell me about it every day. However, my dad essay does not need to repeat it again and again. Such things are obvious without any words.

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He always makes time to play with me and catch up on all the happenings in my life even after the hard work of the day. My father is one man who is very unique and different. I always feel lucky anytime I remember that he is my father knowing how he has done the very best for me in life. I always feel grateful that I have the opportunity to be his son and be a part of a wonderful family that has a great father like him. My father has shown himself to be a very peaceful and polite person. He seldom scolds me and he is always easy with me. What he tries to do is that he makes sure that I realise the mistake that I have made in a very polite way and helps me to get better and this has been working like magic for many years now.

My father is the leader and head of our family. He is always there for every member of the family to help us in times when we need his advice and direction in taking decisions. Anytime we have a problem, we take it to him, he tries to help us by sharing some of the problems that he also faced in the past that are quite similar to our problem and how he was able to overcome them. He also shares all of his achievements and drawbacks in life and tells us to learn from them. My father has his personal online marketing business but he never insists any of his children to pursue a career in that same field so that we can take over after him.

He does not even try to attract any of us to his business but he tries to teach how we can discover our own passion and fields of interest in life. He does his best to encourage us in the pursuance of our various dreams. I can boldly say that my dad is a very good dad and this is not as a result of him always helping me and being nice to me but because he shows great strength, knowledge, a good helping and nice nature. He also owns very good human relations skills. He uses this as an example to encourage me to always work hard.

I share all of my happy, sad and bad moments with him and he also does the same. He is always around to share with me all of his life experiences and how I can learn from them. My father also tells me all about his day and every event that occurred during the day. He is doing all his best to ensure that I grow up to become a very successful person that has good character and behaviour. My father always teaches me ethics, humanity and etiquettes of life that can help me in future. My father is always ready and willing to help the people who are needy around us and he tells us that giving is the most important thing in life.

My father also teaches my siblings and me how to be happy, healthy and fit throughout our lives. My father has shown himself to be very good to all the members of my extended family. If anyone of us is facing a particular problem, my father is usually the first person we go to for advice and help. My father has over the years proven to be a person who has a very kind heart and I can boldly say that he is my best friend and my hero. Appa was born in Coimbatore, the second son and third child in a family of 11 children. His father, my grandfather was a stern man, a respected civil engineer who worked for the colonial British government. Appa attended the Rishi Valley School in Yercaud, founded on the learning philosophy of Jiddu Krishnamurthy.

There he learned the value of discipline, respect for hard work, honesty, responsibility and constant learning. He worked there the rest of his life, and was regarded as brilliant and a genius. My childhood memories of him are as a stern, strict and not very communicative man. He felt a deep and abiding sense of responsibility towards his own family of birth as well as his marital family. The modest salary he always earned would be divided between these two families, and since he was terrible at currying favour or promoting himself, he never rose within the ranks of Voltas and his income remained quite pathetic till he died.

This officially made us a lower-middle class family and our childhoods were frugal, thrifty and austere. A little money meant a lot. Despite these constraints, Appa planned our futures successfully. For the rest of our lives, we had a roof over our heads. One of the most remarkable things about Appa was the number of things he was interested in. After several months, he bought himself a Singer sewing machine. From then, all our clothes, including winter school uniforms, were stitched by him. He was an outstanding cook, and loved cooking.

Best of all, he was a brilliant musician, gifted in playing the vichitra veena. I have slowly realised how much of who I am was shaped by who he was. Like him, I never get bored, and remain fascinated by everything in life. I am today two years younger than he was when he died but have started learning to play piano, understand search engine optimisation, UX design and painting. I learned from him that generosity is a state of mind, not a state of wallet. The number of nameless, faceless poor people he had helped was long, as we learned only after he died. Never demeaning his beneficiaries with a handout, he invited them to repay at their time and speed, but made sure that they did, thus restoring their self-respect.

Without ever speaking about it, he has shown me what it means to be a father, and the meaning of selfless living. A single incident sums up my relationship with my dad. He wanted me to join the IIT and become an engineer. I wanted to be a writer, a profession he disdained as having no future. Headstrong, in , I stepped out of the train in which my family was relocating from Delhi to Bombay just as the whistle blew. I was bent on living my life my way. My father, deeply upset, cut me off without a paisa, saying I could jolly well support myself if I was so confident about writing. And so I did, earning enough through writing for the evening papers to pay my rent, college fees and food. Six months later, my father, passing through Delhi in December, visited me to check how his strong-headed son was doing, and saw for himself that I was surviving well enough without borrowing or begging.

He visibly swelled with pride. He hugged me, in one action forgiving me but also forgiving himself. He used the rupees he had received as a Christmas bonus to buy me utensils, a mattress, and other basics. Father , My Father , Relationship. Get FREE Work-at-Home Job Leads Delivered Weekly! Join more than 50, subscribers receiving regular updates! Plus, get a FREE copy of How to Make Money Blogging! Message from Sophia! Like this post? You must be logged in to post a comment. About Us Home About Project Testimonials Contact Us. Facebook Twitter. Sign Up. I would love to hear from you and read your comments on this article. Let me know what you think about this article. Is it helpful to you? Your comments and suggestions will serve as an inspiration and learning platform for me.

Regards, Sophia. Here are a few recommended articles for you to read next: Essay on Friendship Which is More Important in Life: Love or Money Essay How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend or Ex-Boyfriend Back: The Most Exclusive Guide Essay on My School. Essay on My Family. Essay on Summer Season. It is extremely interesting to listen to him. You can always find out some new information, learn something and share your experience with him. I can always rely on my father and I am confident that his opinion is objective. His opinion always comes from the bottom of his heart. On the other hand, he knows how to choose the best time for it; he waits for the time when I am calm and relaxed so that I can easily perceive the information.

Sometimes there may be a situation that everything goes wrong, and I feel bad. My father can always find right words and give good advice. These moments are important for me because I feel the support, I know that I am not alone, and it gives me confidence. My father does not usually show off his feelings a lot. He might be strict and serious when we are out, but I know that he loves me, and I can feel his love in every movement and every sight. He is not used to kissing or cuddling me every day, however, when he does it once a week or so it is clear that these actions are extremely sincere and come from the big heart of my father.

Every single time he gives me a cuddle, I feel overwhelmed with love and his attention. And these are the most precious moments of our relationships with my father. This is my father the way I see him. This is the father I love so much! And it is the only thing that matters! I have the clear understanding that there are no perfect people in the Earth; however, my father is perfect for me. He is my role model and he is the person I want to be similar to when I will grow up. I want to have a family and I want my children to be as found of me as I am of my father. I love my father very much and I do appreciate everything he does for my development and me. I think that my father and I have perfect relationships and I hope that with flow of time they will only improve.

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