References Herper, M. Thus she contrives to intenerate the granite and felspar, takes the boar out and puts the lamb in, and keeps her balance true. Equitable Compensation The objective of this study is to examine fair and equitable compensation and to utilize critical thinking in discussing issues from two perspectives and those being the perspectives of both employee and employer. Every advantage has its tax. The Scholarly Commons, essay on compensation.
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Most organizations have developed robust compensation systems as a step of increasing employee motivation and achieving organizational goals. Armstrong and Tina 67 illustrates that compensation system is a mechanism that an organization use to reward its essay on compensation as a payback for their for their. Compensation system may provide benefits which are direct or indirect to the employee and the organization. Direct benefits for the employee may include wages and salaries whereas indirect benefits may encompass aspects such as good working environment, job enlargement and rotation, and paid leave or holiday Armstrong and Tina A compensation system should be customized to ensure the organization has the right people with needed skills or knowledge.
This will assist the organization achieve its goals. Compensation systems encompass five important areas which are wages, bonuses, benefits and clearly defined agreements. In developing internal compensation system, an organization has to embrace sound steps for achieving its goals and mission. The first step which an organization can take is analyzing the compensation implication Kurt, essay on compensation. On this aspect, the human resource department should assess how the compensation system developed will have an effect both on the employee and the organization. In this case both positive and negative aspects of the compensation system should be evaluated to justify the adoption of the internal compensation system Armstrong and Tina Second, the organization should fix objectives of the compensation system to be adopted, essay on compensation.
This is an important step because it will assist the organization towards attaining the its goals Kurt. An organization has to determine the essay on compensation benefits it will attain from the system being developed. For example, if the organization aims at increasing productivity of employees, sustaining organizational growth and development it should tie these aspects to the compensation strategy. This will involve assessing the prevailing conditions in the organization such as existing essay on compensation systems, the number of employees and the profitability of the organization Kurt. The comparison done will ensure the gaps existing in these areas are sealed by the new compensation strategy. Fourth, focus should be given to the criteria that will reward and improve both employees at the top and bottom level of the organization.
This will ensure equal pay rate management of all employees within the organization and avoid conflicts that might arise as a result of discrimination. This will ensure essay on compensation activity being undertaken within or outside the organization is focused on a common goal of achieving the organizational goals Armstrong and Tina Sixth, an organization has to define the values and morals that should be upheld and strictly adhered to. Employees can be involved so as they can have the opportunity to give their contribution. In coming up with values and morals, the general and the specific objective of the organization essay on compensation be upheld to avoid conflicts in the implementation process. Seven, the reward scheme is one of the major motivational factors to an employee.
An ideal compensation system should therefore be flexible so that it can be essay on compensation when a need arises, essay on compensation. Lastly, the human resource department should communicate the compensation system that has been developed. This aspect will ensure the employees and the top management understand the system before it is implemented, essay on compensation. It will also give room for those who feel essay on compensation views were not captured in the system to raise them for appropriate action to be taken.
A pay level refers to the average amount of all rates paid to an employee by the employer. In formulating salary or pay level rate, the human resource manager should do a critical analysis before settling for a particular rate. The University of Bahrain is essay on compensation institution of higher learning in the kingdom of Bahrain. The University of Bahrain has aligned its compensation systems with the type of skills needed. This aspect has been an influential factor in determining the pay rate in the university. The University view the qualification for a particular position dictates the work to be performed; hence, this determines the pay rate.
For example, when the university of Bahrain is hiring an individual for the post of a lecturer, the essay on compensation required for the position, let say in an engineering department and school of business may attract different pay scale. Also, the university considers the geographic location of the employee. The university has devised its compensation system to include a reasonable period of contract, usually two years, essay on compensation, but renewable. It also provides free and furnished accommodation, free medical cover, return air ticket for foreign employees, and allowances for shipping academic personal effects.
The university of Bahrain also has a commendable compensation policy. This aspect dictates the level of pay rate. Higher pay rate is given to best qualified employees so as to retain them. The university of Bahrain is a highly profitable organization. It records higher admissions annually and has several enterprises which generates more income. Thus, the institution has a higher pay scale mechanism which addresses all the needs essay on compensation employees with different skill set and qualifications. The university pay scale is non-discriminatory.
This makes both women and male employees to be paid equally depending on their qualifications and skills. Also, the institution has an employee performance review where the best performing employee is compensated regardless of the gender. A handbook of employee reward and management. London: Kogan Page Limited, Armstrong, Micheal, essay on compensation. Employee Reward. London: Chattered institute of personnel development, Dessler, Gary. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online, essay on compensation.
Compensation Management. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy, essay on compensation. Steps in developing internal consistent compensation system Most organizations have developed robust compensation systems as a step of increasing employee motivation and achieving organizational goals. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Compensation Management specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on Compensation Management by yourself? This essay on Compensation Management was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly.
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The company seeks to achieve two crucial objectives from the implementation of this compensation and benefits plan; i to reduce turnover, which has been an imminent problem over the last couple of years; and ii to attract new talent, while retaining and improving the existing one. Executive Summary The company is at a critical juncture; it can no longer offer the perks of a small entrepreneurial enterprise since it has exceeded the employee threshold for such categorization. Employees have been complaining over what they think is below-market compensation, and…. References Basset-Jones, N. Does Herzberg's Motivation Theory have Staying Power? Journal of Management Development, 24 10 , Beam, B. Employee Benefits 6th ed. Chicago, IL: Dearborn Trade Publishing. Cappelli, P.
Why Good People can't Get Jobs: the Skills Gap and What Companies do about It. Pennsylvania, PA: Wharton Digital Press. Miner, J. Organizational Behavior 4: From Theory to Practice. New York M. Fun is Good The Benefits of Google Inc. The benefits and compensation system for Google Inc. is both varied and complex. It offers many options for the worker at Google Inc. And is meant to increase employee retention rates within the company. Compensation and benefits systems enable leaders to generate and maintain a chance for an effective mechanism that stimulates a culture of self-empowerment, creative modernization, and self-motivating employees. Google is among the top companies in promoting self-motivation and innovation within its employee pool leading to its continual success and high profits.
Google Inc. has become one of the top companies in the world with profits increasing since its formation in and its first public offering in Ever since the mid's, Google has received a steady wave of success. And Google Inc. have structured their leadership to provide the best environment to motivate…. Works Cited Bershidsky, Leonid. Bloomberg, 29 July Cook, Joshua. com, n. E-Compensation: Benefits and Challenges Compensation is one of the basic roles of the Human esource department. This refers to the process of rewarding effort of the employees by assigning salaries and wages for work done. Compensation serves as an appreciation for good work done and as a motivation for more work to be done. E-compensation is the art of making these said payments through the online platform.
This is where the human resource managers issue payments for the work done through the online channels available over the Internet. This mode of payment does not involve the handling of cash in any way. All payments are made using the electronic means that the online platform provides. The following study identifies the merits and demerits web-based compensation systems compared to the usual stand-alone or a PC-based method. PC-based system This method of compensation involves the use of a fixed method where spreadsheets…. References Bondarouk, T. Human Resource Management, Social Innovation, and Technology. Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Gueutal, H. The Brave New World of EHR Human Resources Management in the Digital Age. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Kleingartner, A.
Human Resource Management in High Technology Firms. Lexington, Mass. Martocchio, J. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI. Total Compenstion Statement Memo Human resource H policies and decisions play a crucial role in an organization. They serve as a driver of employee productivity as they directly or indirectly affect employee engagement, job commitment, employee satisfaction, and employee retention. An important H function relates to compensation, which is basically concerned with determining the amount of remuneration and benefits employees get as a result of their input to the organization. Sufficient compensation is crucial for attracting and retaining the right people for the job Stredwick, The position of an administrative assistant is without a doubt an important position, underscoring the need for competitive and attractive compensation.
As per the U. More specifically, an administrative assistant in the category of "Management of Companies and Enterprises" earns an average…. References Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS Executive secretaries and executive administrative assistants. htm Mello, J. Strategic human resource management. Mason: Cengage Learning. Stredwick, J. An Introduction to Human Resource Management. London: Routledge. Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan: Looking Ahead in the Modern Workplace Increasingly, technologically-driven businesses have become more and more reliant upon attracting top talent to gain a competitive edge. Perhaps the most obvious example of this is the Google organization.
Google offers generous salaries and time off to its employees. It also offers many amenities, such as free food, medical care, dry-cleaning, fitness classes, and even buses from certain common location hubs in the surrounding area. This enable employees to remain focused on work as well as removes many of the inconveniences of modern life Cain, To reduce stress levels about balancing personal and professional lives, Google even offers the option of allowing employees to bring pets to work and daycare Cain, Amazon has been taking the lead from Google, also offering catered lunches,…. Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company SEIIC : Trends in compensation and benefits Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company SEIIC is a service-based company and thus must cultivate a strong and committed performance from each and every one of its employees to thrive.
Seniority rather than performance is given preference in terms of the company's evaluation and rewards system. Its benefits are competitive given that it offers health insurance and other benefits but the structure of the benefits is rigid and only includes such traditional benefits as health insurance, life insurance, retirement plan defined benefit and a k plan defined contribution. This paper will offer suggestions to improve evaluation and rewards systems to ensure that top earners are adequately…. References Buckingham, M. The fatal flaw with degree surveys. Harvard Business Review.
Google employees reveal their favorite perks about working for the company. Business Insider. Does Management By Objectives Stifle Excellence? Industry Week. Alternatively, women might be doing the same jobs as men, but doing them in female workplaces, with the effect that no comparison would be possible under the Equal Pay Act" p. Essentially, what McColgan is implying is that there could be logical reasons for women earning fewer cents on the dollar than men, most of which have to do with women having spent less time in the workforce than men. While this logic might have applied in much of the last half of the twentieth century, our current generation has long passed the era when women were primarily…. References Figart, D.
New York: Routledge Green, C. Harvey C. Understanding and managing diversity: readings, cases and exercises, 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey Lengnick-Hall, M. Utley Food Case Study Utley Food Markets was founded in the s in the St. Louis area. It grew to 86 supermarkets in the Missouri and Southern Illinois area. Up until it was a family owned company, but then sold and went public, with the Utleys moving out of managerial roles. The company is now heavily unionized, and even those employees who are not union members receiving similar salary increases as to union members. One of the largest concerns is the manner in which employees are reviewed; now typically with the supervisor answering, "how did this employee do in the past year. This has resulted in a culture of mistrust and suspicion, with the general view that the system is unfair.
hen employees complain, supervisors typically respond with a larger than average raise simply to make the concern…. Works Cited Challenges of Performance Appraisal. Retrieved from Appraisals. html The Strategic Planning Process. Retrieved from QuicMBA. Pay for Performance Doesn't Always Pay off. html Kole, M. Trying to Understand the Union Mentality. Compensation Scenario Scenario Background -- Jack Parks is the benefit manager for a division of USA Motors. He is concerned about the level of absenteeism and the "paid absence" agreement negotiated a decade ago. The theory was that by giving workers a full week of paid absence against which they could charge personal absence, they would be encouraged to plan ahead and let supervisors know when they might be gone so that staffing could remain consistent.
In reality, workers discovered that by not charging off any paid absence days they could receive a full week's pay in June when the company paid unused benefit hours. Workers had, in fact, come to think of it as a bonus that coincided with summer vacations when USA shut down for inventory in the summer. Parks believes that he can control this abuse of a benefit by a series of percentile deductions on future…. Performance Development International. aspx Kole, M. January 8, Trying to Understand Union Mentality. Kole Hard Facts of Life. html McClenney, M. A Study of the Relationship Between Absenteeism and Job Satisfaction.
Applied Research Projects, Texas State University, And Barmby, T. Worker Absenteeism and Sick Pay. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. We do not know where Chatham sits in terms of strategy, or in terms of its compensation policy. To determine the optimal compensation policy, and understanding of the implications of each policy is necessary. If the company lags in terms of compensation, it will struggle to attract candidates. The most qualified candidates will go elsewhere, and there is likely to be high turnover as well. The starting candidates will be weaker, and ultimately the company's productivity will suffer. There are few benefits to paying below market, because lower productivity offsets lower wages.
If you pay the market, then the company has to differentiate itself in other ways to attract people. This is possible, and can be a cost-effective means of attracting and retaining good people. Paying above market, especially leading…. References Csizmar, C. To lag, lead or lead-lag: Examining the question in the real world. Compensation Cafe. html Sturman, M. Choosing whether to lead, lag or match the market. The Scholarly Commons. economic compensation enough for wrongfully convicted inmates? The pronouncement of a crime charge against a person marks the begging of a legal battle for freedom of that individual. When the accused stand in court, their sole hope, is to have a plea of not guilty, which convinces the judges to let them free? At the end of any hearing, the prosecutors present their submissions, from which the court makes the final judgment.
The expectations are either, a declaration of innocence or guilt. The incarnated have a chance to apply an appeal against the case progressively, until the highest order of court authority Butler Those declared innocent need and deserve equal treatment as the other free people. This necessitates a call for compensation of the released persons. The cases of wrongfully convicted inmates Statistics indicate that, every year, the American prisons releases approximately , men and women from their custody. References Petersilia, Joan. When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Internet resource. Gould, Jon B. The Innocence Commission: Preventing Wrongful Convictions and Restoring the Criminal Justice System. New York: New York University Press, Schehr, Robert Carl.
Total Compensation Methods Compensation is widely considered as a primary source of motivation for the employees within an organization. in most scenarios people look for jobs which not only suite their creativity and talents but those which compensate them in terms of salary and benefits. Compensation is one of the fastest changing fields when it comes to Human esource as companies are going ahead with investigations of various ways that can be used for rewarding employees commensurate to their performance. Within any organization there is need to ensuring that the turnover ratio is well maintained while at the same time retaining the best employees. Compensation and benefits are two sure ways that a company can use to achieve such things.
This paper therefore looks at some of the common compensation strategies that are found within organizations, analyses the impact of various compensation methods used and also highlight how the salaries and…. References Abel, M. html Payscale. The Impact of Compensation Methods and Decisions. Employee compensation. Total Compensation Methods and Benefits Programs Impact on employees and organizations Salary and benefit administration strategies elationship with organizational culture and performance Total compensation methods used by the organizations are different in terms of their design and approach.
The main objective of the compensation programs developed in organizations is to facilitate employee motivation and provide a cost effective reward system that is beneficial for both employees as well as the business. The business objectives, values, and goals are the basic element of compensation methods adopted in an organization. The total compensation strategy adopted by a business also elaborates the approach adopted by the business to offer benefits for its employees in return to their services. The following sections provide a detailed understanding of total compensation methods and benefits programs and their impacts on employees and organizations. The second most important element addressed in the research is concerning the administration of….
Reference: Armstrong, M. A handbook of employee reward management and practice. USA:Kogan Page. Heneman, R. Strategic reward management: Design, implementation, and evaluation. USA: IAP. Mathis, R. Human resource management: Essential perspectives. USA: Cengage Learning. Equitable Compensation The objective of this study is to examine fair and equitable compensation and to utilize critical thinking in discussing issues from two perspectives and those being the perspectives of both employee and employer. The writer's own concepts will be critically examined concerning compensation and benefits issues. Defining Fair and Equitable In order to examine the issue of fair and equitable compensation it is necessary that the words 'fair' and 'equitable' be defined.
The word 'fair' is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable" and "pleasing to the eye or mind especially because of fresh, charming, or flawless quality. Bibliography Equitable Merriam-Webster online. Risk Management Education. pdf Romanoff, Kent; Boehm, Ken; and Benson, Edward nd Pay Equity: Internal and External Considerations. Merck Compensation The author of this report is asked to analyze and summarize the compensation plan of Merck Corporation, how it can be better, what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong.
While Merck, like most other companies, should always work to fine-tune and perfect their compensation plan, Merck is actually going quite well as made possible by their market and internal research as well as its wealth of resources and options that they…. References Herper, M. Merck Could Return To Greatness If CEO Can Leave His Own Past Behind. html Merck. com Thurm, S. The Wall Street Journal. H Compensation Compensation strategy is a useful tool that many, if not all, human resources managers can and should use in order to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness within the scope of a larger institution. Compensation strategy allows for the principles and character of the organization to show and demonstrates ability to negotiate the challenging aspects of maintaining a competitive advantage within a given industry.
The purpose of this essay is to explain and highlight the importance of strategic compensation as a component of a the larger corporate strategy within an organization. This essay will examine how pay and different forms of pay can be instrumental in finding new ways to motivate, sustain and increase participatory levels within company organizations and provide a footwork for future successes. This essay will also discuss some of the approaches that may be deemed useful by human resources managers in creating and designing a…. References Greene, R. Effectively Managing Base Pay: Strategies for Success. Society for Human Resource Management, 21 Jan aspx Milkovich, G. Developing a Compensation Strategy. Cornell ILR School 1 Dec Compensation and Human Resource Practices During Crisis.
World at Work Journal, 1st quarter Company's Compensation And Benefit Package A number of factors determine how a company compensates its employees. These factors may include economics, psychology and even sociology. As a human resource manager for Vanguard Industries I have been entrusted with the responsibility of explaining to the Chief Executive Officer CEO that guided my development of the company's compensation and benefit plan. I will specify economic factors I considered while coming up with the company's compensation and benefit packages, the manner in which they do so and the relative and absolute importance of each.
Before coming up with a compensation and benefit scheme, it is imperative that matters pertaining employees' skill level, age, gender and minority and majority status are factored as they affect an individual's reward preferences and their view on what they contribute to an…. References List Filer, R. The Economics of Work and Pay 6th ED. Landes, W. The Economics of Fair Employment Laws. Journal of Political Economy, Total Compensation Methods Impact of various compensation methods and benefit programs on employees and organizations. The compensation term is used for the combination of salaries, benefits and wages for the employee. It also includes hourly or annual salary, bonuses, benefits and incentives like short-term disability insurance, retirement plan and health coverage.
Thus, a comprehensive package includes a combination of different components. The collection of all components is relevant to "Employee Compensation Plan" along with the way of payment and the reasons individuals collect salary increases, incentives and bonuses Milkovich and Newman, Hourly Wage Employees who are not exempted, receives hourly wages with an addition of overtime payment for working more than 40 hours in a week. The rate of overtime to hourly wages is one and half. Employees having a bargaining and collective contract with the management have already set wages according to the contract for certain period and…. References Conrad DA, Christianson JB. Penetrating the 'Black Box': Financial Incentives for Enhancing the Quality of Physician Services. Medical Care Research and Review.
Medicare Fees and Physician's Medicare Service Volume: Beneficiaries Treated and Services per Beneficiary. International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics. Kukreja, P. Employee Retention of McDonald's. html Milkovich, G. Chicago: Irwin. HR Compensation It is well established that human resources personnel have a direct and forceful impact on the strategic success of any business or economic organization. Ulrich suggests that "the relationship between HR practices and business results is built on a rather simple premise: better deployment and use of HR practices should correlate with higher business results " p. One tool HR managers have at their disposal is the use of compensation packages and their unique impact on the labor force. The purpose of this essay is to examine compensation packages, in both the monetary and non-monetary form, impact on attracting and maintain a desirable workforce and the possible influence on the overall effectiveness of the organization.
Casico discussed the aspect of compensation in terms of rewards. He suggested that compensation could be divided into two separate categories; either financial or non-financial rewards. Financial rewards are considered the monetary…. Works Cited Cascio, W. Managing Human Resources. Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. McGraw Hill. Casico, W. HR in Alignment hosted by Wayne Casico. Ulrich, D. Measuring Human Resources; An Overview of Practice and A Prescription for Results. Human Resource Management, Fall Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each.
Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Business Compensation Essays Compensation Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. In the case of five year vesting period, it means that the first year after the employee makes their first contribution, 20 percent of the money they will contribute will belong to them with 40 percent belonging to them in the second year with the subsequent years allowing for sixty, eighty and percent of the employees contribution. This contribution will be vested or invested in their compensations scheme to become the employees own refund at the end of the period.
The secretary will also be entitled to raises in addition to the bonuses and the incentives. The secretary will also be entitled to annual raise based on the performances and the ranking achieved during that period. Their outstanding performance will earn them a five percent increase in their original wage after three months of outstanding performance. The bonus and other salary incentive plan will include cash incentives based on the packages offered by the organization that is supported by the labor laws. This will be based on the discretionary pool of the amount of money designated for the contribution to the employees whose performance will be recognized to have contributed to the success of the business.
As the employee will be under the new wage bill set to be in effect in the state by the time of employment, health benefit will be a necessity. The secretary will be compensated through a group health care benefit plan. Their healthcare plan will be deductable from their pretax income that is basically their gross earnings. The group health coverage proposal shows a supplementary coverage for the employee dental as well as their vision care. In relation to the HRM model requirements, it will be required that the employee is educated in a professional way concerning the business organization and how the organization operates. This will include the strategy of the organization and the expectation of the organization from the employee in an attempt to realize the organization achieves its goals.
It is the responsibility of the business organization to ensure the employee is helped develop their expertise in their field by offering the best state and art in developing the staffing of the organization and ensuring appropriate rewarding systems of to the employees to promote the excellence in their fields. It is the responsibility of the business organization to ensure appropriate mechanism to nurture integrity among their employees by promoting and showing a sense of trust to their employees at this will help them develop the competencies.
Through the development of technology at the work place, the employees are able to deliver appropriately. These HRM model requirements if enhanced and insisted on, the employees will be able to develop high sense of performance and connection with the organization thereby producing the required results. Harvard University Press. Michael L. National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates United States Department of Labor, We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it.
Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples. GET ACCESS NOW. Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services.
ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Premium samples database Get access to over 1 MILLION samples with WowEssays Premium! LEARN MORE. United States. Minimum Wage. Human Resource Management. Bachelor's Degree. Health Insurance. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 January Employee Compensation And Benefits Essay Sample. February Accessed January 07, Retrieved January 07, com, Feb Armstrong and Tina 67 illustrates that compensation system is a mechanism that an organization use to reward its employees as a payback for their for their. Compensation system may provide benefits which are direct or indirect to the employee and the organization.
Direct benefits for the employee may include wages and salaries whereas indirect benefits may encompass aspects such as good working environment, job enlargement and rotation, and paid leave or holiday Armstrong and Tina A compensation system should be customized to ensure the organization has the right people with needed skills or knowledge. This will assist the organization achieve its goals. Compensation systems encompass five important areas which are wages, bonuses, benefits and clearly defined agreements. In developing internal compensation system, an organization has to embrace sound steps for achieving its goals and mission. The first step which an organization can take is analyzing the compensation implication Kurt.
On this aspect, the human resource department should assess how the compensation system developed will have an effect both on the employee and the organization. In this case both positive and negative aspects of the compensation system should be evaluated to justify the adoption of the internal compensation system Armstrong and Tina Second, the organization should fix objectives of the compensation system to be adopted. This is an important step because it will assist the organization towards attaining the its goals Kurt. An organization has to determine the actual benefits it will attain from the system being developed. For example, if the organization aims at increasing productivity of employees, sustaining organizational growth and development it should tie these aspects to the compensation strategy.
This will involve assessing the prevailing conditions in the organization such as existing compensation systems, the number of employees and the profitability of the organization Kurt. The comparison done will ensure the gaps existing in these areas are sealed by the new compensation strategy. Fourth, focus should be given to the criteria that will reward and improve both employees at the top and bottom level of the organization. This will ensure equal pay rate management of all employees within the organization and avoid conflicts that might arise as a result of discrimination. This will ensure any activity being undertaken within or outside the organization is focused on a common goal of achieving the organizational goals Armstrong and Tina Sixth, an organization has to define the values and morals that should be upheld and strictly adhered to.
Employees can be involved so as they can have the opportunity to give their contribution. In coming up with values and morals, the general and the specific objective of the organization should be upheld to avoid conflicts in the implementation process. Seven, the reward scheme is one of the major motivational factors to an employee. An ideal compensation system should therefore be flexible so that it can be amended when a need arises. Lastly, the human resource department should communicate the compensation system that has been developed. This aspect will ensure the employees and the top management understand the system before it is implemented.
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